Wed May 22 10:39 Authored by zegenie


Events are created and triggered in various places and for various reasons. Read the description for each event in the list below to figure out where each event is triggered, and how.

Naming convention  

The event key will tell you if the event is triggered as part of a function, part of a template or in a specific situation. When the event is triggered as part of a function, the event key will be named like this:
Other places, the name will look something like this:

Core events  


Subject: -
Parameters: -
Description: Allows you to manipulate the list of available routes to return to after logging in, by manipulating the event's return list. The list will be shown in the settings dialog for selecting where users are redirected after logging in.


Subject: -
Parameters: -
Description: Allows you to manipulate the list of available routes to return to after logging out, by manipulating the event's return list. The list will be shown in the settings dialog for selecting where users are redirected after logging out.

The list will be updated.

 'rolepermissionsedit', $role
 'viewissue', $issue
 'changeEmail', TBGContext::getUser(), array('email' => $request['email']))->triggerUntilProcessed()->isProcessed() == false)
 'mainActions::_postIssueValidation', null, array(), $errors);
 'upload', $request['mode']);
 'TBGComment::createNew', $issue, array('comment' => $comment)
 'get_backdrop_partial', $request['key']);
 'password_reset', $user, array('password' => $password)
 'usercardactions_top', $user
 'usercardactions_bottom', $user
 'useractions_top', $user
 'useractions_bottom', $user
 'reportissue.validationerror', $key);
 'viewissue_top', $issue
 'viewissue_left_top', $issue
 'viewissue_left_bottom', $issue
 'viewissue_right_top', $issue
 'viewissue_right_bottom', $issue
 'viewissue_before_tabs', $issue
 'viewissue_tabs', $issue
 'viewissue_tab_panes_front', $issue
 'viewissue_tab_panes_back', $issue
 'viewissue_after_tabs', $issue
 'login_form_tab')->trigger(array('selected_tab' => $selected_tab)); ?>
 'login_form_pane')->trigger(array_merge(array('selected_tab' => $selected_tab), $options)); ?>
 'teamactions_bottom', $team
 'project_overview_item_links', $project
 'project/projectinfo', $project
 'project_sidebar_links_dashboard')->trigger(array('submenu' => $submenu)); ?>
 'project_sidebar_links_releases')->trigger(array('submenu' => $submenu)); ?>
 'project_sidebar_links_milestone')->trigger(array('submenu' => $submenu)); ?>
 'project_sidebar_links_roadmap')->trigger(array('submenu' => $submenu)); ?>
 'project_sidebar_links_team')->trigger(array('submenu' => $submenu)); ?>
 'project_sidebar_links_statistics')->trigger(array('submenu' => $submenu)); ?>
 'project_sidebar_links_timeline')->trigger(array('submenu' => $submenu)); ?>
 'config_project_tabs')->trigger(array('selected_tab' => $selected_tab)); ?>
 'config_project_panes')->trigger(array('selected_tab' => $selected_tab, 'access_level' => $access_level, 'project' => $project)); ?>
 'quicksearch_dropdown_firstitems', $searchterm
 'quicksearch_dropdown_founditems', $searchterm
 'TBGComponent::createNew', $this
 'TBGIssue::addSystemComment', $this, array('comment' => $comment)
 'TBGIssue::save', $this, array('changed_properties' => $this->_getChangedProperties(), 'comment' => $this->comment, 'comment_lines' => $this->comment_lines, 'updated_by' => TBGContext::getUser()));
 'TBGIssue::createNew', $this
 'workflow_templates', null, array(), $templates
 'TBGFile::hasAccess', $this);
 'TBGMilestone::_postSave', $this
 'breadcrumb_main_links', null, array(), $links)->trigger()->getReturnList();
 'breadcrumb_project_links', null, array(), $links)->trigger()->getReturnList();
 'TBGEdition::createNew', $this
 'TBGProject::_postSave', $this
 'TBGUser::_postSave', $this);
 'TBGUser::addScope', $this, array('scope' => $scope)
 'post_login', self::getUser()
 'TBGBuild::_postSave', $this
 'menustrip_item_links', null, array('selected_tab' => $tbg_response->getPage())
 'vcs_integration', 'new_commit')->trigger(array('commit' => $commit));
 'publish', 'fixture_article_loaded', urldecode($original_article_name), array('imported' => $imported)



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