Security Policy
Mon Apr 02 10:41 Authored by zegenie


Version 3 comes with a global security policy switch which allows you to choose whether The Bug Genie should operate in a "permissive" or a "restrictive" mode. This switch changes the behaviour of the security settings in The Bug Genie, and you should know what it does.

When to use restrictive security policy  

This setting doesn't grant any privileges except the ones that are specifically assigned to a user, either directly or via a team. This means that unless specifically granted permission to do so, the user will not have access to perform any specific tasks in The Bug Genie. While this can sometimes seem like a complicated setup (where every permission must be granted), it's perfect for bigger setups, detailed permissions control, and non-public setups. You won't get any "negative" surprises with a restrictive setup, and if someone lacks permission to perform certain tasks, grant it to them in the permissions control section.

When to use permissive security policy  

The permissive mode is much less forgiving. It basically assumes a certain level of trust in your users - meaning things like updating issues, assigning it, etc. are available to most users without much configuration. For smaller teams or open projects this is a perfect fit - but be aware that it does assume a certain level of trust in your users. While everything is logged and issue history is easily available, it's not something you would want for all setups. Some sections are still only available for people with permission, though, such as the configuration center (including user configuration).

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Comments 1

 David Matson
Dec 20, 2012 (10:58)
Issue History? This is mentioned in the 3rd section, "While everything is logged and issue history is easily available ..." I can't find such a feature in the 3.2.4. I think it is a great idea! But if it is not enabled then it probably should be left out of this wiki article.